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Frequently Asked Questions

Start by searching Medication below or call our CareTeam 1-877-245-1508

Company Information (6)

How can I contact Canada Pharmacy Delivery?

Easy. Call 1-877-245-1508

5:00am-10:00pm PST, Monday through Friday,
and 8:00am - 4:30pm PST Saturday-Sunday.

You can also email us at

Is Canada Pharmacy Delivery a pharmacy?

No. Canada Pharmacy Delivery is an international pharmacy referral and administration service established to help you get in touch with licensed international pharmacies and approved fulfillment centers from around the world that can fill your prescriptions at affordable prices. Canada Pharmacy Delivery does not provide pharmacy services itself. It acts only as an intermediary to assist you in filling your prescriptions. The products on our website are offered to you by our affiliated international pharmacies and approved fulfillment centers. All prescriptions are filled directly by one of our affiliated licensed international pharmacies and/or approved fulfillment centers from their respective jurisdiction and mailed directly to your home. All of our affiliated pharmacies and fulfillment centers require a valid prescription written by your own doctor to be provided before any order for prescription products can be filled and shipped. All of our affiliated pharmacies and fulfillment centers have been approved by the regulatory bodies from their respective countries.

Is it safe to order from your website?

Absolutely. Our website utilizes 128-bit SSL encryption. This level of security protects your information and privacy. View our patient safety for more details.

Is your Canadian pharmacy and website certified by the Canadian International Pharmacy Association (CIPA)?

Yes, we are an approved member of the Canadian International Pharmacy Association (CIPA) and have been for many years. To verify our credentials directly with CIPA, please click here. We also offer all our customers a Norton Shopping Guarantee guarantee with each and every order.

Should I tell my doctor that I'm having my prescriptions filled by Canada Pharmacy Delivery?

You don't have to, but we recommend that you do. In fact, you can have them call us if they have any questions.

I can see that Canada Pharmacy Delivery is a member of CIPA and IPABC. What are these organizations?

Canada Pharmacy Delivery is a certified member of the Canadian International Pharmacy Association (CIPA) and the International Pharmacy Association of British Columbia (IPABC). While these are not government regulatory bodies, these leading international pharmacy accreditation organizations require all its members to adhere to high standards of practice and stringent safety protocols. Canada Pharmacy Delivery is proud to be a member of these respected accreditation bodies.

Ordering & Payment (12)

What is required to place an order with Canada Pharmacy Delivery?

All you need is a valid prescription written by a qualified physician licensed in your country of residence.

How do I place an online prescription drug order?

Ordering is easy. All you need is a valid prescription from your physician. Once you have this, simply call us at 1-877-245-1508 and we can help you place an order. After your order is place, you will need to send us your original prescription. Upon receipt of your prescription, your order will be processed and shipped directly to you.

How do I place online prescription refill orders?

Simply contact us toll-free at 1-877-245-1508 or email us your refill request at

How large a supply of my medication can I buy?

You may only order as much as your physician prescribes for you. Also, all prescription shipments are limited to a maximum 90-day supply per medication. Thus, if your prescription is for a one year supply, we will ship you a 90-day supply once every three months. Note: It is permissible to issue 100 tab/capsule quantities under this restriction.

Once I place my online prescription order, can I cancel it?

You can cancel your order so long as it hasn't been shipped. We issue full refunds for any cancelled orders.

What if I can't find the medicine I'm looking for on your website?

Please call our customer support center at 1-877-245-1508 and we will be happy to assist you.

What's the difference between an initial online prescription order and a refill prescription order?

When placing refill orders, no other information needs to be provided, unless there has been a change in your shipping address, contact information, health, in the strengths or quantities of the medications you're taking, or in your preferred method of payment (in which case, this information needs to be provided). To place your refill order, simply call us toll-free at 1-877-245-1508 or email us at

Why are your drugs so much cheaper?

Due to government price controls, medications from Canada and many other countries are often significantly cheaper than in the United States. Also, other countries may have more affordable generic versions of drugs, which may not yet be available in the US.

What are ALL the costs associated with placing an order with Canada Pharmacy Delivery?

The price advertised on Canada Pharmacy Delivery is the price you pay plus shipping and handling for each package. The advertised price includes the cost of medicine and all other service fees.

Do you charge any sales tax?

No, we don't charge you any sales tax.

What is your refund policy?

If you're not completely satisfied with your purchase from Canada Pharmacy Delivery and the medication has not been opened, we will either reship your order free of charge or offer you a full refund, including the shipping cost. In the event the medication package has been opened, don't worry!

If you are unsatisfied any way, please call us at 1-877-245-1508. Our CareTeam is dedicated to ensure every customer has a positive experience with us.

Please note that we do not accept returned products.

Will you beat a competitor's price?

If you find a better price advertised, Canada Pharmacy Delivery will match or beat it by 10% of the difference as long as the competitor meets our standards for patient safety. In addition, the strength/dosage, and quantity must match what we have listed on our website. Some exceptions may apply. We encourage you to call us at 1-877-245-1508 or chat with us online.

Medication (9)

Where are my medications coming from?

All medications are filled and shipped from fully licensed pharmacies and/or approved international fulfillment centers that meet the highest standards of safety and service. All medication orders are filled at affiliated licensed and approved Canadian pharmacies and/or certified international fulfillment centers. Through our international mail-order prescription service, we ensure that you receive reliable, safe, and affordable medications. In addition to dispensing from our Canadian dispensing pharmacy, medication orders are also filled and shipped from international fulfillment centers that are approved by the regulatory bodies from their respective countries. Medication orders are filled and shipped from approved fulfillment centers around the world including, but not limited to, Canada, Singapore, United Kingdom, New Zealand, Turkey, Mauritius, India, Australia, and the United States. The items in your order may be filled and shipped from any one of the above jurisdictions. The products are sourced from various countries including, but not limited to, Canada, United Kingdom, New Zealand, Turkey, India, Australia, and the United States. All of our affiliated fulfillment centers have been approved by the regulatory bodies from their respective countries.

Are all of your drugs from Canada (i.e. Canadian drugs) or do you also sell drugs from other countries?

In addition to shipping Canadian drugs from Canada, we have affiliated contracted fulfillment centers in the following jurisdictions that ship products to our customers: Canada, Singapore, United Kingdom, New Zealand, Turkey, Mauritius, India, Australia, and the United States. Our contracted fulfillment centers in countries (other than Canada) do not ship Canadian drugs.

In the event that my medication is shipped from a country other than Canada, will the fulfillment center in the other country be shipping me Canadian drugs?

No, Canadian drugs are only shipped from our contracted Canadian pharmacies. In addition to our Canadian pharmacies, we have affiliated contracted fulfillment centers in the following jurisdictions that ship products to our customers: Canada, Singapore, United Kingdom, New Zealand, Turkey, Mauritius, India, Australia, and the United States. These fulfillment centers located in other countries (other than Canada) will ship drugs that they have procured from their own jurisdiction and/or from other countries except Canada. All of our fulfillment centers have been approved by the regulatory bodies from their respective countries.

If I only want my prescription filled by a licensed Canadian pharmacy (or a pharmacy/fulfillment center in a specific country), is this possible?

Yes, this is possible so long as the product you are looking for is available in Canada (or in the country you've specified). If you would like your order filled only in Canada (or in another specific country), please contact our customer support center and one of our representatives would be happy to assist you with your request. Please note however that the prices on our website generally reflect the most affordable option available from all of our affiliated international pharmacies and fulfillment centers located in Canada, Singapore, United Kingdom, New Zealand, Turkey, Mauritius, India, Australia, and the United States. By choosing to have your order filled only in Canada (or in another specific country), the prices for your medications may vary from our website prices.

Are my drugs manufactured in the same country from which my drug is shipped?

It can be, but not necessarily. For example, not all drugs sold in retail US and Canadian pharmacies are made in the USA or Canada. Many generics that American and Canadian retail pharmacies sell may be sourced from India, Israel, European Union and possibly other countries as well. Even for many brand name drugs, while the manufacturer of the drug may be an American or European company, for a variety of reasons, the drug itself may be manufactured outside of the USA or Europe.

What's the difference between the branded products you sell and the ones I get locally?

The branded drugs we sell are chemically and therapeutically no different from the ones you get in your local pharmacy. They both generally come from the same exact manufacturer. Generally, the main difference* is in the packaging and the price. Our packaging may be different from what you get locally, but we're also much cheaper.

* Other differences may include differences in trade name, form, and general appearance.

Why are there packaging differences?

Due to differences in government regulation, different countries have different packaging requirements. For example, a product in Canada (or any other country) will have different packaging than the same product in the US even though both drugs are chemically and therapeutically equivalent and are generally manufactured by the same exact company.

What's the difference between generic drugs and brand name drugs?

When a drug company first invents a drug (i.e. Prozac) that company is the only one allowed to make that drug for a certain number of years. After this time period, other companies are allowed to make the same drug. These drugs are called generics. The original drug (i.e. Prozac) is called a brand name drug. Brand name drugs and their generics are identical in terms of active ingredients. The generic pills may look different (because they are made by a different company) but inside is exactly the same active ingredient which works in exactly the same way. The only difference between brand name drugs and generic drugs is that generics are always less expensive. Please note that different countries have different patent laws. As a result, certain countries may have access to certain generic medications quicker than in other countries.

Why do the pills I receive from you look different from the ones I get from my local pharmacy?

Brand name pills normally look different from generic versions, despite the fact that they include the same active ingredient and work in the exact same way. If you order a generic version of your pill medication from us, do not expect it to look exactly like the brand name version that you're used to. Not only that, but in Canada and other countries, there are some brand name pills that look a bit different than they do in your own country, even though they contain the same active ingredient and are manufactured by the exact same company. In the case of two different generics of the same drug, they will look different if they are manufactured by two different companies.

Shipping & Returns (8)

How do you ship my medications to me?

All orders are shipped using regular airmail. Delivery times vary, but will typically be between 8 - 14 business days.

What do you charge for shipping on prescription and/or non-prescription orders?

We charge a single shipping fee of $14.95 per package sent to you. All packages arrive by regular Postal Service mail. Please allow 8 to 14 business days from the time we receive your order and prescriptions (if you are ordering prescription products).

All packages are fully insured against loss or damage. If for some reason you do not receive your package, we will reship your package to you free of charge. Should you have any questions concerning an order you placed or a package shipped, please contact our toll-free customer support center at 1-877-245-1508 during the hours of 5am-10pm PST, Monday through Friday, and 8:00am-4:30pm PST on Saturday-Sunday.

What happens if my package gets lost or damaged in delivery?

All packages are covered against loss or damage so you don't ever have to worry about not getting your medications.

If your package is lost or damaged, we will resend them to you at no charge.

Once I place my online prescription order, how long does it take for me to receive my medications?

You should expect to receive your medications within 8-14 business days from the date we receive your order. To avoid delays, please fax your prescription to 1-855-882-9281. Please mail us your order.

Why do some orders take longer than the estimated time of delivery?

There are many reasons why your package might be delayed. Most of the delays are out of our control. Holidays, adverse weather conditions, and delays with mail processing are some of the reasons why your package might possibly be delayed. Although this is a rare occurrence and the risk of delays is small, we understand the frustration and disturbance it might cause you - which is why we do our best to update you if we foresee any delays on your shipment. We also recommend that you place your order approximately 30 days before your current supply is exhausted to help avoid any possible interruptions in your therapy.

What happens if my package gets lost?

Due to rare occurrences with the postal service, packages can unfortunately get lost or experience delivery delays. This may be due to an incorrect address or postal issues beyond our control, which may result from adverse weather conditions affecting international mail, delays in international mail processing and clearance, or seasonal busy periods such as in December and January. If your order becomes lost in the mail, we will send you a replacement at no charge. However, you will be held liable for the lost package if it is determined that you have provided us with an incorrect mailing address or if you failed to provide us with a winter/summer address.

Can I bundle my prescription order with someone else's order into the same package?

Unfortunately, no. Each package shipped can only contain medications for a single person.

What is your return policy?

Unfortunately, once a medication has left the pharmacy, it cannot be returned for any reason.